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The Trailer for


Chainsaw Maidens from Hell!

The Story

Blake is captain of the football team and destined for a career in the pro leagues - that is if he passes his chemistry class. But destiny has a way of tackling the toughest of players when demons invade his college and begin to enslave the student body. A divine angel descends to give Blake an invincible suit of super football pads and send him out to battle the forces of evil. Unfortunately, the suit is missing one vital piece - the jock strap. In order to get it back, Blake must descend into the underworld and face the guardians of doom known as The Chainsaw Maidens from Hell. And he’s got to do all this while studying for a chemistry quiz.

Blake - Allen McCrae

Jane - Chelsey Cayer

Dr. Trundle - Sean Kennedy

The Coach - Lloyd Kaufman

Destiny - Sarah French

Desire - Monique Renee

Wrath - Karin Webb

Madness - Sarah Michelle

Bael the Demon - Viral Keshwalla

The Angel of Death - Kane Hodder

The Cast
The Crew

Matthew Martino - Writer / Director

Amanda McGrady - Director of Photography

Steven Dulong - Executive Producer

Kane Hodder - Associate Prodcuer

Oneial FX - Special Effects



Chainsaw Maidens can be viewed on Amazon Prime! 


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